Not happy with this world? Change it!
The world we are in is not planet earth, its not this universe at all! (Ha ha, I am so funny) but seriously, the world isn’t our planet.
For example, if you respond to the beauty of a flower, or Kickass movies with guns, guys and girls, then these things are in your world. But that book in your shelf, with a beige or green cover and talks something about history, that you are totally ignorant about, you don’t even know it exists, that’s not in your world.
Let me put more clarity into the theory we have here
“The world is now, here and it consists only of all the things around us, that we can sense, now, here.
If something never reaches our senses, it is as good as it doesn’t exist”
There might be beings around us that we are totally insensitive to! :P But don’t worry, they are not in our world.
The Matrix Experiment:
Let me try and prove this theory. Our neural connections makes up our perception. What we see, hear, or our touch are all neural signals going to our brain to be processed into what we feel.
Now is there a way to fool our brain into believing a reality that isn’t there? There are many ways like movies, virtual reality, or digital music, even the screen you are looking into is just a set of colourful bulbs, that glow in intelligent patterns to create images and texts. Basically technology can fool the brain.
If we could completely feed all our senses with virtual information, we can create magnificent illusions.
The experiment is really simple, come up with ways in which technology creates virtual worlds and test them out.
Some ideas:
1 - Experience Google cardboard to enter new worlds, like the new star wars trailer on facebook 360 using a virtual reality player.
2 - White noise generators have a soothing effect on us, like a waterfall or sea shore. Try some apps or sounds on youtube.
What is the impact of this theory?
Sitting in an office, staring at the screen, if we are bored, frustrated, demotivated, its because the surrounding isn’t stimulating us into happiness anymore. We have played with the toys around enough for now, and want to play something else, but we are not allowing ourselves to do that.
The conflict between what we want to do and what we think we should do is a curse for most adults
Most often in a bad mood we think that nothing in this world can change it. That is true, nothing can. That is why we have to change the world!
By consciously changing our world, we can ensure that we are going to feel differently.
How to change the world?
The first step is to realize that, it is the surroundings that isn’t making us feel the way we want to feel and we can change the surroundings.
We do this all the time right? if we get bored, we watch TV, or read a book. We have to do the same, but consciously.
The second step is to do it!
Some ideas
1 - Switch off your phones and go for a walk
2 - Try and see things in your environment that you never saw before. There could be ants working hard, spiders preparing traps, Squirrels, I love to see them play. By detaching from all we call ours and reconnecting with nature, we can be in a strong world.
3 - Exercising our body does the trick too. Our eyes and ears most often face sensory overload with all the artificial lights and noises which we aren’t evolved for yet. But we have so many more senses all around the body, mostly touch, which are underloaded. Reshuffle your load, bend your body.
An outcome of the first theory is that
Our thoughts are closely related to what we surround ourselves with. This one is tougher to prove, because a intellectual proof won’t be enough, unless we try and observe it in our life.
Here is one experiment you can do to check if it is true.
Experiment - Change your mood by working on your body
For more contrast, the badder your mood is, the better it is for this experiment. So next time you are in a bad mood, try the following:
1 - Go to a place where you can be private, like a cafe, a breezy balcony or nothing’s more private than a restroom
2 - Cut off the overloaded senses - Close your eyes, if you have an ear plug, that would be great, plug it in
3 - Breathe with your stomach - Ever observed how when babies sleep they breathe using their stomach? Chest takes a lot of load, so unload it and use the babyish, beautiful stomach breathing.
Remember, we are only working on the body here, the mind can be what it wants to be, don’t try and change it. If you are sad or irritated, be it. But focus on doing this experiment properly.
4 - After 5 mins, observe yourself.
If it worked, you should find your thoughts changed and therefore your feelings.
I practise changing my environment, whenever I remember that I can change my stimulus to feel different, and it works all the time. The tough part is to remember it. Hope it works for you too.
To end this article, here is an untested thought:
Any culture might be a conscious effort to control the set of stimulations people in it get. Like we should wear such and such clothes, speak in such and such way, and so on. So by practising this carefully we might be creating our own culture.